Why I'm packing up & moving to the other side of the world.
If someone asked you right now, what is the one thing that you want to achieve in the next 5 years? Something you’ve been yearning to do and never had the time or motivation to achieve it?
For me, it was always moving overseas. To explore the world.
A few things were always holding me back. A rental lease, lack of money and a long-term relationship where travel wasn’t a priority. Also, the thought of leaving everything and everyone you’ve ever loved and moving to a foreign country (that you’ve never visited) is slightly terrifying.
But even more appealing.
With none of those things holding me back, I’ve made the decision to JUST DO IT as Nike says. I’ve given my wonderful job notice, applied for my visa, sold my car and have started preparing for the big move. It’s not going to be an easy path, but my goodness is it the right path for me.
I’ve always had an insane case of the travel bug, my feet constantly itching to jump on an airplane and discover another part of the globe, and now it’s finally happening. For two glorious months, I’ll be travelling across Ireland, Scotland, Iceland and Germany with my best friend, Jamie.
After we’ve spent most of our money and are probably yearning for our own beds, we’ll head to London and find work and begin a new journey. The path isn’t clear, but that’s half the fun of it!
I’m incredibly excited to not only explore places I’d never imagined possible (Hello, Iceland!), but I’ve also been given the rare opportunity to have an audience to share my journey with.
Jamie & I have been best friends since primary school! x
I’ve loved writing for Live with Elle every single minute, and I don’t plan to ever stop. I’ve already started preparing and shaping our phenomenal itinerary, and planning collaborations with seriously amazing places to stay, things to do and restaurants to eat at.
Here’s my promise to you, my dear reader. Everything I write will be a completely honest & a genuine recount of how my journey is going. There are going to be an incredible amount of highs, but with this will come the lows.
Every high, low and in-between will be shared with you, so if one day you feel the need to uproot and leave everything you know behind, you too will feel prepared. Possibly even more enticing (to some!) I’ll be starting to VLOG as well. It’s one thing to write and share photos from my adventures, but I want you guys to SEE and almost feel where I am.
Whether it’s standing on a cliff-face in Iceland, in the middle of a crowd at Tomorrowland or drinking copious amounts of beer at Oktoberfest, I want to share this journey with you.
I leave on the 23rd of July, and have no idea when I’ll be back. Perhaps I’ll feel lost and be back within 3 months, but I hope I’ll be able to push through and immerse myself in the culture, people and experiences that are to come for at least a couple of years.
Thank you for your never-ending stream of endless support, love and encouragement, and here’s to new adventures and forever supporting one another.
Elle x
P.S How gorgeous are the hand-painted maps from Brooke Munro, from Blue Ginger Design. You can check out all of her beautiful hand-painted (and super affordable) prints HERE.